The International Organization
IFPI represents the recording industry worldwide, with a membership comprising some 1400 record companies in 66 countries and affiliated industry associations
in 45 countries. IFPI's mission is to promote the value of recorded music, safeguard the rights of record producers and expand the commercial uses of recorded
music in all markets where its members operate.
IFPI represents its members at three levels - international, regional and national. Internationally, IFPI's Chief Executive reports to the Main Board of Directors, and
IFPI works directly with industry committees in areas such as legal policy and performing rights.
At the regional level, the organisation's work is split between IFPI Europe, IFPI South East Asia and, as from January 2000, IFPI Latin America (formerly FLAPF).
IFPI's regional offices are based respectively in Brussels, Hong Kong and Miami. They report to a regional Board of Directors comprising the heads of multinational
and independent record companies. Representatives of the regional boards, both multinationals and independents, also sit on IFPI's Main Board.
IFPI also acts as an umbrella organisation for its national groups and affiliated industry associations that are based in 45 countries around the world - both through
its international and regional offices. IFPI National Groups report to industry Boards in their own territories, but they also collaborate closely at regional level under
the coordination of IFPI's regional offices. Directors and Chairmen of the national groups sit on the IFPI Regional Boards.
There is, in addition, an IFPI Worldwide Enforcement Structure, formed in 1997 as a direct response to the global proliferation of CD piracy. Enforcement activities
are coordinated by IFPI and through dedicated enforcement offices at regional level.
IFPI is also closely affiliated with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the national group responsible for the world's largest music market.